SCET 2023

Room 310, Building 91 (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)

Room 310, Building 91

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

Christian Bauer

SCET 2023

The XXth annual workshop on Soft-Collinear Effective Theory will take place March 27-30, 2023 at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. The goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers interested in SCET, resummation and (non)perturbative QCD, to discuss the latest developments and their applications to particle and nuclear physics

To ensure an informal atmosphere with plenty of time for discussion, attendance is limited to 80 in-person participants. There will be an option for remote participation, but at the moments talks are planned to be mostly in-person only.

For those interested in giving a talk, please submit an abstract through Indico. Be advised that talks are by invitation only, and submitting an abstract does not guarantee a slot for a talk.

There will be a reception on Monday, March 27 at 6:00pm, and a conference dinner on Tuesday, March 28, 2019, at 6:30pm at Skates on the Bay. Further details will be provided at the workshop.

A registration fee of 180USD will cover coffee breaks in the mornings and afternoons, boxed lunch on Mon, Tue and Wed, as well as the reception. Students are eligible for a reduced fee of 80USD.

Registration closes March 3 2023

For any questions, please send email to

Scientific Organizers: Christian Bauer
Administrative Assistance: Deborah Smith

Registration for SCET 2023
  • Aaron Howe
  • Abdur Rehman
  • Adam Leibovich
  • Aditya Pathak
  • Alejandro Bris
  • Alessandro Broggio
  • Alessandro Gavardi
  • Andrew Dotson
  • Andrew Dotson
  • Andrew Larkoski
  • Aneesh Manohar
  • Anjie Gao
  • Arindam Bhattacharya
  • Arslan Sikandar
  • Bahman Dehnadi
  • Bianka Mecaj
  • Chia-Hsien Shen
  • Christian Bauer
  • Christopher Kane
  • Christopher Lee
  • Chul Kim
  • Claudia Cornella
  • Daekyoung Kang
  • Deborah Smith
  • Dennis Horstmann
  • Dingyu Shao
  • Dorota Grabowska
  • Felix Ringer
  • Frank Tackmann
  • Gael Finauri
  • Geoffrey Bodwin
  • Georgios Billis
  • Gherardo Vita
  • Giulia Pancheri
  • Goutam Das
  • Guido Bell
  • Haitao Li
  • Hao Chen
  • Haotian Cao
  • Haotian Cao
  • Hofie Hannesdottir
  • HuaXing Zhu
  • Hui Yucheng
  • Iain Stewart
  • Ira Rothstein
  • Jaipratap Grewal
  • Javier Reig Navarro
  • jiawei zhu
  • Jim Talbert
  • Johannes Michel
  • John Terry
  • Julian Strohm
  • June-Haak Ee
  • Junegone Chay
  • Jyotirmoy Roy
  • Jürg Haag
  • Kevin Brune
  • Kyle Lee
  • Leonardo Vernazza
  • Lin Dai
  • Marat Freytsis
  • Marcel Wald
  • Marston Copeland
  • Martin Beneke
  • Matthew Lim
  • Matthew Schwartz
  • Matthias Neubert
  • Max Jaarsma
  • Maximilian Stahlhofen
  • Michael Luke
  • Michael Saavedra
  • Michel Stillger
  • Nicolas Schalch
  • Oleksandr Tomalak
  • Patrick Hager
  • Pedro Cal
  • Philipp Böer
  • Rebecca von Kuk
  • Reed Hodges
  • Robert Szafron
  • Rohit Gupta
  • Rongjvn Fu
  • Rudi Rahn
  • Ryan Wood
  • Sean Fleming
  • Sebastian Jaskiewicz
  • Shireen Gangal
  • Simone Alioli
  • Sonny Mantry
  • Stefan Lederer
  • Stella Schindler
  • Taehyun Kwon
  • Thomas Becher
  • Thomas Mehen
  • Tobias Binder
  • Tobias Hurth
  • Tongzhi Yang
  • varun vaidya
  • Wouter Waalewijn
  • Xiangdong Ji
  • Xiangpeng Wang
  • xiaohui liu
  • Xiaojun Yao
  • Xiaoyuan Zhang
  • Xin-Qiang Li
  • Xing Wang
  • Yang-Ting Chien
  • Yibei Li
  • Yong Zhao
  • Yu-Ming Wang
  • Yue-Zhou Li
  • Yuxun Guo
  • Zelong Liu
  • Zhe Jiang
  • Zhiquan Sun
  • Zhongbo Kang
  • Zoltan Ligeti