The fourth in a series of events promoting collaboration between US ATLAS Computing and Software and the US HPC labs.
One goal of this meeting is to form US ATLAS and HPC expert teams to focus on US ATLAS HPC challenges. These teams will first collaborate on a joint talk (or two "twin" talks) on one or more challenge and later work together for half a day on a program of work to address these challenges.
LBL CRD and NERSC divisions will host the meeting at LBL Wang Hall (building 59). Breakfast, coffee and a working lunch on Sep 26 will be provided. We will organize a dinner downtown Berkeley on Sep 26.We recommend booking a room at the LBL guest house but availability for Sep 25-28 is limited. Please make a reservation ASAP directly at Indicate you are visiting the Computational Research Division and that your LBNL contact is Paolo Calafiura
If you can't join us in Berkeley, you can attend the plenary sessions remotely via zoom:
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