22–24 Feb 2023
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
US/Pacific timezone

(zoom) Seeing the Universe in 3-d

23 Feb 2023, 15:45
B50 Auditorium (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

B50 Auditorium

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

1 Cyclotron Rd. Berkeley, CA 94720


Prof. Daniel Eisenstein (Harvard University)


The large-scale structure in the Universe is a marvelous laboratory for the study of cosmological physics. By measuring the detailed statistics of the clustering, we can explore important extensions of the standard cosmological model: variations in dark energy density, modifications to large-scale gravity, non-vanilla primordial initial conditions (changes in the primordial power spectrum, novel isocurvature modes, or non-Gaussianity), and so on. We should view large-scale structure as an opportunity for a broad exploration of cosmological physics, and not merely reduce it to a limited set of parameterized models.

Our study of large-scale structure is best done with multiple views: the primordial CMB for the simplicity of the early plasma, gravitational lensing for its access to the true matter distribution, Sunyaev-Zel'dovich for its ability to detect the highest density peaks. But here I want to stress the important role of three-dimensional surveys using spectroscopic redshifts. This is the cleanest mechanism we have to map the cosmic web in detail. With precise redshifts, we can access more linear-theory modes, leverage the environmental markers such as galaxy groups, measure redshift distortions, and avoid the confounding effects that redshift mistakes at even the percent level will cause in high-precision clustering measurements.

As our planning horizon stretches beyond the Rubin/CMB-S4 era, I see large spectroscopic samples growing in importance as our questions get more subtle and the crispness of these maps becomes more prized.

Primary author

Prof. Daniel Eisenstein (Harvard University)

Presentation materials