2:00 PM
Cosmic Probes of Dark Matter Physics
Alex Drlica-Wagner
Annika Peter
(The Ohio State University)
Ethan Nadler
(Carnegie Observatories & USC)
2:05 PM
Science from high density galaxy samples with DESI-II
Sven Heydenreich
2:10 PM
(zoom) Training the Next Generation of Physicists and Engineers at Universities
Gregory Tarle
(University of Michigan)
2:15 PM
(zoom) Synergies of Survey Programs for Cosmic Frontier
Markus Rau
(Argonne National Laboratory)
2:20 PM
Going Green: A Renewable Energy Future for High Energy Physics at the South Pole
Amy Bender
(Argonne National Laboratory)
2:25 PM
(zoom) Fifteen years of fruitful collaboration between French and DOE labs in cosmology
Christophe Yèche
(CEA-Saclay Irfu)
2:30 PM
Leveraging Microelectronics through Dedicated Support for Implementation in HEP Experiments
Javier Tiffenberg
2:35 PM
(zoom) Continued support for funding small-scale experiments
Yonatan Kahn
(University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
2:40 PM
Artificial Intelligence as a Core Component of the Cosmology Research
Aleksandra Ciprijanovic
2:45 PM
(zoom) Research Funding in Cosmic Frontier and throughout HEP
Hugh Lippincott
Rick Gaitskell
2:50 PM
(zoom) Leveraging cross correlations to detect new physics
Andrina Nikola
Joseph DeRose
2:55 PM
(zoom) Support for xenon detector technology R&D to expand the reach of existing experiments
Ann Wang
3:00 PM
Dark Matter in the Local Universe With DESI-II and S5
Constance Rockosi
(UC Santa Cruz, SCIPP)
3:05 PM
(zoom) Foster the Development Necessary for the Next Generation of Flagship Projects
Katie Harrington
(Argonne National Lab)
3:10 PM
Reflections on DESI construction from early career scientists
Claire Poppett
(UC Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab)
3:45 PM
(zoom) Seeing the Universe in 3-d
Daniel Eisenstein
(Harvard University)
3:50 PM
Next-generation Cosmology with Millimeter-Wave Line Intensity Mapping
Adam Anderson
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Kirit Karkare
Zhaodi Pan
(Argonne National Laboratory)
3:55 PM
(zoom) Survey synergies: direct calibration of weak lensing surveys with spectroscopy
Noah Weaverdyck
4:00 PM
(zoom) DESI: A Successful University – National Laboratory Partnership
Klaus Honscheid
(Ohio State University)
Paul Martini
(Ohio State University)
4:05 PM
Synergy between cosmological research and the FCC program
The US FCC collaboration
4:10 PM
(zoom) The Need for R&D Towards a Stage 5 CMB Facility
Neelima Sehgal
(Stony Brook University)
4:15 PM
Multi-TeV colliders based on advanced accelerator concepts for the Energy Frontier
Lieselotte Obst-Huebl
4:20 PM
(zoom) Significance of Simulation Capability Readiness for the Next Era of Cosmic Frontier Science
Nicholas Frontiere
(Argonne National Laboratory)
4:25 PM
(zoom) Joint Modelling of Astrophysical Systematics for Cosmology with LSST
Niko Sarcevic
(Newcastle University)
4:30 PM
Open-Mic Session