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Dan Akerib
- Speaker at noble gas-based direct detection & G3
- Adam Anderson (Fermilab)
- Amy Bender (Argonne National Laboratory)
Brad Benson
- Speaker at SPT + BICEP
- Aleksandra Ciprijanovic (FNAL)
- The US FCC collaboration
Kyle Dawson
- Speaker at DESI + DESI-II
- Joseph DeRose (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
Angelo Dragone
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
- Speaker at microelectronics
Alex Drlica-Wagner
- Speaker at Cosmic Probes of Dark Matter Physics
Daniel Eisenstein
(Harvard University)
- Speaker at (zoom) Seeing the Universe in 3-d
Robin Erbacher
(UC Davis)
- Speaker at DEI
- Nicholas Frontiere (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Rick Gaitskell (Brown)
Maurice Garcia-Sciveres
- Speaker at QIS
Dan Green
- Speaker at overview (zoom)
- Katie Harrington (Argonne National Lab)
Fiona Harrison
- Speaker at Astro 2020 (zoom)
Andreas Haungs
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Speaker at APPEC (zoom)
Masashi Hazumi
- Speaker at Space Missions
- Sven Heydenreich (UCSC)
- Klaus Honscheid (Ohio State University)
- Yonatan Kahn (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
- Kirit Karkare (SLAC)
Elisabeth Krause
- Speaker at overview
Adrian Lee
- Speaker at Simons Observatory
Tongyan Lin
- Speaker at Emerging concepts
- Hugh Lippincott (UCSB)
Mariangela Lisanti
- Speaker at overview including Astrophysical probes
- Paul Martini (Ohio State University)
Jeff McMahon
- Speaker at CMB-S4
Hitoshi Murayama
- Speaker at P5 process
- Speaker at Survey on the Town Hall at LBNL
Benjamin Nachman
- Speaker at AI/ML
Ethan Nadler
(Carnegie Observatories & USC)
- Speaker at Cosmic Probes of Dark Matter Physics
Laura Newburgh
- Speaker at Line Intensity Mapping
- Andrina Nicola (Argelander Institut für Astronomie Bonn)
- Lieselotte Obst-Huebl
- Zhaodi Pan (Argonne National Laboratory)
Annika Peter
(The Ohio State University)
- Speaker at Cosmic Probes of Dark Matter Physics
- Claire Poppett (UC Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab)
- Heather Prince (Rutgers University)
Matt Pyle
(University of California Berkeley)
- Speaker at Solid-state based direct detection & G3
- Markus Rau (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Constance Rockosi (UC Santa Cruz, SCIPP)
- Gary Rybka (UW Seattle)
- Niko Sarcevic (Newcastle University)
David Schlegel
- Speaker at Stage V
- Neelims Sehgal (Stony Brook University)
Nigel Sharp
- Speaker at constraints at the South Pole
Anže Slosar
- Speaker at Commercial Lunar Payload Services (zoom)
Anthony Spadafora
- Speaker at Logistics
Maria Spiropulu
- Speaker at EPP 2024
Jim Strait
- Speaker at CMB-S4
Chris Stubbs
- Speaker at Rubin and extension
Tim Tait
- Speaker at Snowmass Cosmic Frontier
- Gregory Tarle (University of Michigan)
- Javier Tiffenberg (Fermilab)
Michael Turner
- Speaker at EPP 2024
- Ann Wang (Stanford/SLAC)
- Noah Weaverdyck
Mike Witherell
- Speaker at Welcome to LBNL
- Christophe Yèche (CEA-Saclay Irfu)