Feb 22 – 24, 2023
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
US/Pacific timezone

Call for Remarks in the Open Session

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Town Hall hosts a session for the community members to make short (~5min) remarks about their vision for the field, exciting science, projects, and issues of the community. People are encouraged to propose remarks. There will be also a time for "open-mic" session for discussions. Invited talks at LBNL are mainly focused on Cosmic Frontier, but the remarks do not have to be connected to Cosmic Frontier.

Remarks can be made either in person or on zoom.

We encourage early career scientists to speak. If you would like to speak without senior scientists around, request it in the abstract, and we will try to accommodate requests as much as we can. Choose "Early Career Scientist" under the "Contribution type".

Click on the button below. One the next page, you need to create an LBNL indico account to proceed.

The call for abstracts is closed.