Energy Correlators
- Fernando Torales Acosta
- Barbara Jacak
Jet substructure has been successful in broadening our understanding of fundamental physics and QCD. In this talk, I will introduce a variety of new energy correlator based observables, specifically the two and three point heavy energy correlators, which measure correlations of energy flow at collider experiments on heavy quarks. These observables provide new insights into jet substructure,...
The energy correlators inside jets are measured for the first time at the CMS experiment. AlphaS is determined from the ratio of 3-point and 2-point correlators.
The future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) will provide the first electron-nucleus collisions for a variety of nuclei species with high luminosity, wide kinematic coverage, and excellent detector resolution, providing new insights into cold nuclear matter effects and transport phenomena. As jets are an accurate proxy of the struck quark that traverses the nucleus, the signature of the nuclear...