6:00 PM
Boosted multi-Higgs with jets measurements in CMS
Raghav Kansal
(UC San Diego)
6:02 PM
Boosted Jet Identification for Searches for Vector-Like Quarks in CMS
Johan Bonilla
6:03 PM
CaloClouds: Fast Geometry-Independent Highly-Granular Calorimeter Simulation
Sascha Diefenbacher
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
6:04 PM
Boosted Higgs boson Tagging with Graph Neural Network with the ATLAS Detector
Jackson Barr
6:05 PM
The BEST Searches for Vector Like Quarks at CMS
Samantha Abbott
(UC Davis)
6:06 PM
Anatomy of Jet classification using deep learning
Amon Furuichi
Mihoko Nojiri
Sung Hak Lim
6:07 PM
Testing the Standard Model in boosted top quark production with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC
Christopher Garner
6:08 PM
Performance of Constituent-Based W/Z Tagging with the ATLAS Detector
Matt LeBlanc
(University of Manchester (GB))
6:09 PM
A Machine-learning-based Local Calibration for Topological Cell Clusters in the ATLAS Calorimeters
Peter Loch
6:10 PM
A calorimeter cell timing cut in ATLAS topo-cluster reconstruction
Margherita Spalla
6:11 PM
Lund Plane Reweighting for Jet Substructure Correction
Oz Amram
6:12 PM
TIMBER and 2DAlphabet: modular event selection and background estimate frameworks for boosted object searches and beyond
Amitav Mitra