- Peter Loch
- Salvatore Rappoccio
Oz Amram
31/07/2023, 13:20
We will overview the usage of boosted jet taggers within CMS. We will also discuss how their performance is calibrated for usage in analyses. This includes a new Lund Plane reweighting technique that can calibrate the performance of high-prong jets for which there is no standard model equivalent which can be used as a proxy.
Congqiao Li
(Peking University)
31/07/2023, 14:00
Physics measurements in the highly Lorentz-boosted regime are a critical part of the LHC physics program. In the CMS Collaboration, various boosted-jet tagging algorithms, designed to identify hadronic jets originating from the decay of a massive particle to bb̅ or cc̅, have been developed and deployed in a variety of analyses. This talk summarises the performance of these algorithms with...