Jan 13 – 17, 2025
US/Pacific timezone

The ATLAS ITk Pixel Module QC workshop will take place at  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in Berkeley, California. 

The workshop aims at sharing knowledge on the procedures used to test the electrical performances of the pixel modules during QC, and develop expertise with pixel modules and in the software tools used to handle the data during the full module QC procedures. 

The workshop will consist of lectures/presentations in the morning, and hands-on sessions in the afternoon. Because of the limited availability of lab setups, attendance will be capped at 30-35 people max.

In case you have modules at your institutes which you need help to debug, make sure to ship them to LBNL before hand.

Zoom connection will be provided for the morning sessions for those not able to come in person and slide decks will be available.

If you plan to attend, please register by the end of November so we can plan for suitable meeting rooms, catering, dinners, and request necessary visitor passes to access the LBNL site. You do not need to register if you plan to connect only via zoom. There is no registration fee.

Participants are responsible for their own accommodation. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Berkeley Lab Guest House (see Accommodation).

Zoom link: https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/94636105988
Password will be distributed via email.
