Session 9: Late Time Physics
- Simone Ferraro
Presentation materials
We explore the science prospects of a 14,000 deg
Recently differing results have been obtained using low-redshift galaxy surveys and the higher redshifts probed by CMB lensing, motivating a possible time-dependent modification to the growth of structure.
We investigate a simple phenomenological model in which...
Ongoing and future spectroscopic surveys have prime sensitivities to comoving scales that became causal when the temperature of the Universe was in the ~1-100 eV regime. As such, these data are key to probing part of the so-called LambdaCDM `desert’ between e+e- annihilation and matter-radiation equality. This apparent desert has recently received renewed attention in light of possible...
Current and upcoming redshift surveys will measure the galaxy distribution over an increasing volume, probing interesting physical effects that become important on large physical scales. In particular, the local primordial non-Gaussianity