May 6 – 8, 2024
Building 50
US/Pacific timezone
Building 50
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The goal of this workshop is to gather high energy theorists and cosmologists to explore the observational signatures of  physics beyond the standard model in Large-Scale Structure as can be measured with ongoing and future spectroscopic surveys. The 2023 P5 report identified the next generation of spectroscopic survey as a key tool to explore inflationary physics,  late-time cosmic acceleration, light relics, neutrino masses, and dark matter. This next generation of spectroscopic surveys will feature advances in experimental techniques that will make it possible to map the high redshift (2<z<4.5) Universe in three dimensions at high fidelity. These new data will increase the information content by an order of magnitude or more over existing spectroscopic surveys, gain access to very large scales where the physics of inflation are most visible, and preserve information from the initial conditions and early expansion down to smaller scales than what is possible in current spectroscopic surveys.

The workshop was live streamed and recordings can now be found here:

A photo of the attendees can be found here:

Scientific Organizing Committee:

Kyle Dawson (University of Utah)
Simone Ferraro (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) 
Vera Gluscevic (University of Southern California)
Daniel Green (UC San Diego)
Marilena Loverde (University of Washington)
David Schlegel (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) 
Martin White (UC Berkeley/LBL)

Local Organizing Committee (LBL):

Satya Gontcho A Gontcho (Chair)
Edmond Chaussidon
Roger de Belsunce
Noah Weaverdyck