Session 2: Theoretical Modeling and Higher Order Statistics
- Martin White
I will present a new program of probing fundamental cosmology with spectroscopic galaxy surveys. This program builds on ideas of effective field theory and allows for sub-percent precision analytic understanding of galaxy clustering on large scales. I will highlight recent results of this program that include new measurements of fundamental cosmological parameters and constraints on new...
What statistics do we need to search for new physics? I will present a pedagogical overview of statistics beyond the galaxy power spectrum, and how they can be used to probe a wide variety of non-standard physics in inflation and beyond.
In this talk, I will outline our recent work on the SDSS BOSS 4-point correlation function and an apparent 7 sigma detection of parity violation. Then I will provide an update on progress with the Year 1 DESI data. I will conclude with a presentation of two new methods to ensure that the apparent result is of genuine cosmological origin.