6–8 May 2024
Building 50
US/Pacific timezone

Primordial Features in Next-Generation Surveys

7 May 2024, 11:15
Auditorium (Building 50)


Building 50


Benjamin Wallisch (Stockholm University, Nordita & UT Austin)


Large-scale structure observations are remarkably sensitive to primordial features. They are already more constraining than the cosmic microwave background today and will significantly exceed its sensitivity in the future. These oscillatory imprints in the primordial spectra arise from a departure from scale invariance during inflation or its alternatives and, therefore, provide important insights into the primordial universe. In this talk, I will explain the theoretical significance of these inflationary signatures, give an overview of their current observational status and discuss why they are an interesting science target for future surveys.

Primary author

Benjamin Wallisch (Stockholm University, Nordita & UT Austin)

Presentation materials