27–30 Mar 2023
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
US/Pacific timezone

Resummation of Sudakov Shoulder Logarithms in Heavy Jet Mass

29 Mar 2023, 16:00
Room 310, Building 91 (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)

Room 310, Building 91

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab


Mr Xiaoyuan Zhang (Harvard University)


Sudakov shoulder arises from incomplete cancellations between virtual corrections and real emissions in the perturbation theory of some event shape observables, like thrust, heavy jet mass and C parameter. We present the next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic (NNLL) resummation of Sudakov shoulders in the heavy jet mass. The appearance of spurious Sudakov Landau poles is ameliorated by resumming its second derivative and setting scale in the conjugate Fourier space. The joint resummation of threshold logarithms and shoulder logarithms provides an essential ingredient in the extraction of strong coupling constant from heavy jet mass data.

Primary author

Mr Xiaoyuan Zhang (Harvard University)

Presentation materials