27–30 Mar 2023
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
US/Pacific timezone

Collinear dynamics beyond DGLAP

28 Mar 2023, 09:00
Room 310, Building 91 (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)

Room 310, Building 91

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab


Max Jaarsma


The DGLAP evolution equations are arguably the most important evolution equations for collider physics applications. However, DGLAP doesn’t capture correlations in fragmentation, which e.g. enter in dihadron fragmentation or the study of energy flow within jets. In this talk I present a general non-linear collinear evolution equation, that accounts for these correlations. These evolution equations are needed for track functions, which can be applied to calculations of track-based observables. The advantage of track-based observables is that they can be measured to high precision due to the superior angular resulotion of tracking systems. We have calculated the next-to-leading order evolution kernels and shown that they reproduce DGLAP for single hadron fragmentation. Furthermore, the (so far unknown) next-to-leading order evolution of N-hadron fragmentation functions can be directly obtained from our results.

Primary author

Max Jaarsma

Presentation materials