The workshops aims to bring together experimentalists and theorists to brainstorm about new ideas about triggers and off-line analysis strategies for exotic phenomena at the LHC, in particular long-lived particles. The primary goal is to generate new ideas and verify their feasibility, rather than to present existing work. The workshop schedule will therefore be very light on talks. Instead, the majority of the time will be reserved for work in small groups to evaluate the basic feasibility of various project ideas. (Shared office space will be provided.) The talks that are on the schedule will be directed at supplying the information needed to carry out these studies.
Participants of the workshop will have the chance to submit an abstract for a project idea in advance. The projects are ideally aimed at utilizing a (future) feature of the detectors in a new way to enhance their sensitivity for exotic phenomena, in particular long lived particles. This is includes but is not limited to the trigger systems. If needed, the organizing committee will select the most promising five or six projects. If your project is selected, you will be asked to give a short talk on the first day of the workshop to introduce the idea to the other participants.
Thanks to the Berkeley Experimental Particle Physics Center, LBNL and the theory group for support.
You can find some potentially useful tools for your studies to our git repository
You are encouraged to add your tools or scripts if you have any which could be of use to others.