15+5 minute talks on works in progress with coffee break
Andreas Biekert
(UC Berkeley)
02/12/2017, 10:10
We propose a new detector design based on superfluid helium sensitive to the sub-GeV mass WIMP-like dark matter parameter space. Our detector design reads out roton and phonon excitations in the superfluid by detecting the quantum evaporation of helium atoms with bolometers suspended in vacuum above the superfluid helium mass. The binding energy from helium absorption to the bolometer surface...
Michael Jewell
02/12/2017, 10:30
The EXO-200 Collaboration is currently searching for neutrinoless double beta decay using a liquid xenon (LXe) time projection chamber filled with ~150 kg of enriched Xe-136. Using the first two years of data it has provided one of the most sensitive searches for neutrinoless double beta decay. After a brief interuption in data taking caused by the temporary shutdown of its host facility,...
Benjamin Godfrey
(UC Davis)
02/12/2017, 10:50
Astronomical and cosmological observations have provided glimpses of physics beyond the standard model. This has motivated the creation of many experiments primarily focusing on weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) and supersymmetry. The lack of results from this search suggests the search for alternative candidates.[1]
The dark photon is a hypothetical low-mass vector boson born...
James Watson
02/12/2017, 11:50
The LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment is a 7-ton active mass dual phase xenon time projection chamber that will be used to perform a direct search for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs), a dark matter candidate, as well as perform other physics searches. Incoming particles (such as a dark matter WIMP) interact with the xenon nuclei or electrons, inducing ionization and scintillation. An...
Vetri Velan
(UC Berkeley)
02/12/2017, 14:40
Two-phase xenon time projection chambers are a leading strategy for dark matter direct detection experiments. Some of the leading limits in the field are from the Large Underground Xenon experiment (LUX), XENON1T, and PANDAX-II. These experiments operate by measuring the scintillation and ionization of xenon when an incident particle interacts in the medium, potentially including WIMPs. As a...
Daniel Naim
(UC Davis)
02/12/2017, 15:00
The Davis Xenon R&D platform (DAX) is a dual-phase time projection chamber (TPC), which is being used as a test bed system for doing xenon detector studies at UC Davis. One of the primary goals of DAX is to characterize a common class of backgrounds in noble element dark matter detectors – heavy nuclei emitted as decay daughters of radon. This platform will help improve our understanding of...
Benjamin Schlitzer
(UC Davis)
02/12/2017, 15:20
The Argon Response to Ionization and Scintillation (ARIS) experiment was constructed to characterize the response of single-scatter nuclear and electronic recoils in liquid argon in support of experiments with a liquid argon target. A 0.5 kg active volume scintillation cell of liquid argon was exposed to the highly collimated and quasi-monoenergetic LICORNE neutron source at the Institute de...
Mazza Simone Michele
02/12/2017, 16:30
In 2014-2025 the ATLAS detector at LHC (CERN, Geneva) will be upgraded to withstand the high pileup expected at HL-LHC. The inner tracker will be completely renewed with the ITk project and other parts detectors will be upgraded. HGTD will probably be included in the list of upgrades, it consist in 4 (yet to be confirmed) layers of pixel LGADs detectors in the pseudorapidity region of 2.4 to...
Kelsey Mallory
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
02/12/2017, 16:50
Next generation dark matter and neutrino experiments seek to reach unprecedented sensitivities to new physics processes, requiring high levels of radiopurity in detector components. To aid in material selection, the Berkeley Low Background Facility (BLBF) provides a variety of advanced gamma spectroscopy services. We will present a general overview of the facilities at Lawrence Berkeley...
Gaosong Li
(Stanford University)
02/12/2017, 17:10
The nEXO collaboration is designing a 5-tonne xenon time projection chamber (TPC) using enriched Xe-136 isotope to search for neutrinoless double beta decays. Both the light and charge signals from interactions in the TPC will be collected. nEXO collaboration is developing and testing new technologies to improve charge and light collections, which include using a new design of anode consisting...