2 December 2017
Stanford University
US/Pacific timezone

Analog Front-end Electronics for the LZ Experiment

2 Dec 2017, 16:10
PAB 102/103 (Stanford University)

PAB 102/103

Stanford University

382 Via Pueblo Mall Stanford, CA 94305


Jyothisraj Johnson (UC Davis)


The LZ experiment will deploy approximately 500 photomultiplier tubes to collect light from its liquid xenon volume. The job of the front-end electronics will be to provide both excellent efficiency for single photon detection and a large dynamic range to accommodate the largest pulses from calibration sources. I will present the design of a dual gain amplifier, which will have different shaping times for the two outputs. A systematic transient, noise and gain and phase analysis of this modified version of the LZ amplifier will be discussed in this talk. Preliminary measurements from prototype boards will also be presented.
Session Works in Progress (15+5 min)

Primary author

Presentation materials