Saturday Morning 2: Signal Identification
- Luca Grandi (University of Chicago)
Dev Ashish Khaitan
(University of Rochester)
23/09/2017, 11:15
Signal reconstruction and identification (analysis methods, simulations)
In the first 10 seconds of a core collapse supernova, almost all of its progenitor's gravitational potential, O(10$^{53}$ ergs), is carried away in the form of neutrinos. These neutrinos, with O(10 MeV) kinetic energy, can interact via elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering depositing O(1 keV) in detectors. Low background dark matter detectors, such as LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ), optimized for detecting low...
Thomas McElroy
(University of Alberta)
23/09/2017, 11:30
Signal reconstruction and identification (analysis methods, simulations)
DEAP-3600 is a Dark Matter experiment operating in SNOLAB. DEAP currently holds the leading weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) cross-section exclusion for a LAr detector and continues to probe deeper. The expected 3-year sensitivity to the spin-independent WIMP-nucleon cross-section is $10^{−46}$ cm$^2$ at 100 GeV/c$^2$ WIMP mass. The PMT response, reflectivity of optical surfaces,...
Jason Brodsky
23/09/2017, 11:45
Signal reconstruction and identification (analysis methods, simulations)
The Noble Element Simulation Technique (NEST) software, introduced in 2011, provided a method to calculate light and ionization yields for noble element-based detectors. Since then, results from a variety of experiments have enabled improvements to NEST's underlying model. This talk introduces NEST2, a new version of NEST that implements the improved model as well as several software...
Thomas Wester
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
23/09/2017, 12:00
Signal reconstruction and identification (analysis methods, simulations)
Wavelength shifting plates coated with Tetraphenyl butadiene (TPB) are used to convert vacuum ultra violet photons into visible spectrum photons in order to make detection by Photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) in liquid argon scintillator experiments possible. To accurately use the combined plate-PMT system, calibrations motivated by geometric factors and optical properties of materials must be...
Natascha Rupp
(MPIK Heidelberg)
23/09/2017, 12:15
Signal reconstruction and identification (analysis methods, simulations)
In many liquid xenon experiments the radioactive noble gas radon is
an important background source. It emanates continuously from the
detector materials and can reach the sensitive detection region. The
successive decays of its daughter isotopes can mimic the signals
from dark matter interactions. This talk focuses on measurement
methods to determine the radon level before detector...
Jacob Cutter
(UC Davis)
23/09/2017, 12:30
Signal reconstruction and identification (analysis methods, simulations)
There is a particular class of unavoidable backgrounds that plague Xenon (Xe) dark matter searches: decaying daughters of the Uranium-238 nuclear decay chain, which result from Radon plate-out on detector materials. One such daughter isotope, Polonium-210, undergoes alpha decay and produces a recoiling 103 keV Pb-206 nucleus. Such nuclear recoils can emulate low-energy dark matter interactions...
Roberto Santorelli
(CIEMAT Madrid)
23/09/2017, 12:45
Signal reconstruction and identification (analysis methods, simulations)
Given their small mobility coefficient in liquid argon, the ions spend a considerably longer time in the active volume with respect to the electrons. We studied the effects of the positive ion current in a liquid argon time projection chamber, in the context of massive argon experiment for neutrino physics. The constant recombination between free ions and electrons produce a quenching of...