Friday Morning 2: Detector Techniques
- Kaixuan Ni (UCSD)
Rex Tayloe
(Indiana University, Dept. of Physics)
22/09/2017, 11:15
Applications (dark matter, neutrino, precision frontier, medicine, etc.)
The COHERENT collaboration is deploying a suite of low-energy detectors in a low-background corridor of the
ORNL Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) to measure coherent elastic neutrino nucleus scattering (CEvNS) on an array
of nuclear targets employing different technologies. A measurement of CEvNS on different nuclei will test the
$N^2$-dependence of the CEvNS cross section and further the...
Tomasz Biesiadzinski
22/09/2017, 11:30
Detector techniques (HV, cryogenics, purification, calibration, etc.)
LZ is a next generation dark matter experiment designed to significantly extend our sensitivity to WIMP dark matter candidates. As such it presents a significant challenge to the dual-phase Xe TPC technology. A 100kg scale test platform has been constructed at SLAC in order to test multiple systems at scales approaching or comparable to LZ. The platform focuses on the high voltage performance...
Lucie Tvrznikova
22/09/2017, 11:45
Detector techniques (HV, cryogenics, purification, calibration, etc.)
The Xenon Breakdown Apparatus (XeBrA) is a detector containing 5 liters of liquid argon or liquid xenon designed to study high voltage behavior in noble liquids located at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Experimental evidence suggests a correlation between breakdown field and electrode area in liquid argon. XeBrA is designed to explore this relationship in liquid xenon with its...
Wei Ji
22/09/2017, 12:00
Detector techniques (HV, cryogenics, purification, calibration, etc.)
This talk is about the light production and testing of metallic grids in a gaseous noble element detector. At SLAC, a small setup was built to study the grid behavior in various type of liquid noble gaseous environments. In this setup, prototype grid for LZ will be studied, as well as the influence of the electropolishing and passivation technique. The light production from electron emission...
Christina Ignarra
22/09/2017, 12:15
Detector techniques (HV, cryogenics, purification, calibration, etc.)
Most radioactive backgrounds in liquid xenon TPCs arise from external sources and are mitigated by xenon’s self-shielding properties combined with event position reconstruction and vetoes. Background sources that instead arise from substances dissolved throughout the active region, such as krypton-85, present a distinct challenge. This talk will describe our novel system for separating...
Daniel Baxter
(Northwestern University)
22/09/2017, 12:30
Detector techniques (HV, cryogenics, purification, calibration, etc.)
Liquid noble detectors, used for dark matter and neutrinoless double beta decay searches, rely heavily on calibrations to understand each detector’s response to predicted electron recoil backgrounds. These calibrations often use beta- or gamma-decay sources to approximate all electron recoil backgrounds. Existing models assume that interaction topology does not affect detector response below...
Wolfgang Lorenzon
(University of Michigan)
22/09/2017, 12:45
Detector techniques (HV, cryogenics, purification, calibration, etc.)
Many rare event searches including dark matter direct detection and neutrinoless double beta decay experiments take advantage of the high VUV reflective surfaces made from polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) reflector materials to achieve high light collection efficiency in their detectors. As the detectors have grown in size over the past decade, there has also been an increased need for ever...