Thomas McElroy
(University of Alberta)
DEAP-3600 is a Dark Matter experiment operating in SNOLAB. DEAP currently holds the leading weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) cross-section exclusion for a LAr detector and continues to probe deeper. The expected 3-year sensitivity to the spin-independent WIMP-nucleon cross-section is $10^{−46}$ cm$^2$ at 100 GeV/c$^2$ WIMP mass. The PMT response, reflectivity of optical surfaces, timing of scintillators and wavelength shifter properties all need to be precisely characterized in order to accurately describe detector response. A high level of understanding the detector response allows for optimizations in pulse shape discrimination methods used to discriminate between WIMP candidate events and a variety of background events. This talk will discuss the efforts to precisely characterize the time and charge response of the detector.
Primary author
Thomas McElroy
(University of Alberta)