Roberto Santorelli
(CIEMAT Madrid)
Given their small mobility coefficient in liquid argon, the ions spend a considerably longer time in the active volume with respect to the electrons. We studied the effects of the positive ion current in a liquid argon time projection chamber, in the context of massive argon experiment for neutrino physics. The constant recombination between free ions and electrons produce a quenching of the charge signal and a constant emission of photons, uncorrelated in time and space to the physical interactions. The predictions evidence some potential concerns for multi-ton argon detectors.
The first part of the talks is bases on the results Published in Astropart.Phys. 92 (2017) 11-20, e-Print: arXiv:1609.08984 [physics.ins-det]
Newer results on the delayed light emission by secondary recombination will be also presented in the second part of the talk.
Primary author
Roberto Santorelli
(CIEMAT Madrid)