Rex Tayloe
(Indiana University, Dept. of Physics)
The COHERENT collaboration is deploying a suite of low-energy detectors in a low-background corridor of the
ORNL Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) to measure coherent elastic neutrino nucleus scattering (CEvNS) on an array
of nuclear targets employing different technologies. A measurement of CEvNS on different nuclei will test the
$N^2$-dependence of the CEvNS cross section and further the physics reach of the COHERENT effort. The first step
of this program has been realized recently with the observation of CEvNS in a 14.6 kg CsI detector. Operation and
deployment of Ge and NaI detectors are also underway. A 22 kg, single-phase, LAr detector (CENNS-10) started
data-taking in Dec. 2016 and will provide results on CEvNS from a much lighter nucleus. The design and performance
of the CENNS-10 detector will be presented.
Primary author
Rex Tayloe
(Indiana University, Dept. of Physics)