High Resolution Particle Counting Detectors with Microchannel Plates and Their Applications in Materials Research, Astrophysics, Biomedical Imaging and Synchrotron Instrumentation
Anton Tremsin(SSL)
50 Auditorium
50 Auditorium
The unique features of event counting detectors based on microchannel plate (MCP) technology proved them to be devices of choice for applications as diverse as satellite-based astrophysical missions, synchrotron instrumentation, biomedical imaging, time-of-flight applications, neutron imaging, high energy physics and many others. The high spatial (<20 μm) and timing (<100 ps) resolution for single-particle detection (photons, ions, electrons, neutrons) combined with the absence of readout noise and very low dark count rate (<0.1 c/cm2/s) make these devices unique for certain applications
In this talk we will describe the recent developments of MCP detection technology towards very high counting rates, large active areas, low background and long lifetime. Different applications of MCP detectors in materials, energy and transportation research, astrophysics, geophysics, cultural heritage studies and others will be discussed.
The unique capability of MCP/Timepix detectors to measure simultaneously ~250000 neutron transmission spectra with spatial resolution of 55 µm combined with neutron penetration capability enables novel non-destructive studies in applications where conventional methods cannot be implemented. To demonstrate that the results of our recent collaboration with LBNL on the improvement of single crystal growth (focused on gamma detection materials) will be presented.