Micro-Pattern Gas Detector Technologies for Physics Projects at the Energy, Intensity and Cosmic Frontiers, and Overview of the RD51 Collaboration Activities
Maksym Titov(CEA Saclay)
50 Auditorium
50 Auditorium
Improvements in detector technology often come from capitalizing on industrial progress. Advances are made with new insights; recent industrial developments in photo-lithography, microelectronics and printed circuits technique have opened the road for the production of micro-structured gaseous amplification devices: Microstrip Gas Chamber (MSGC), Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) and Micro-mesh gaseous structure (Micromegas), followed by the thick-GEM (THGEM), resistive GEM (RETGEM), Micro-Pixel Gas Chamber (μ-PIC), and an integrated readout of gaseous detectors using solid-state pixel chips (InGrid). By using a pitch size of a few hundred micrometers, MPGD systems now offer operational stability, protection against discharges, radiation hardness, high-rate capability (> 1MHz/mm2), excellent spatial resolution (~30 μm), and a time resolution down to a few-hundred pico-second range.
During the past five years, there have been major developments of Micromegas and GEMs for ATLAS, CMS and ALICE upgrades at the LHC, as well as THGEMs for the COMPASS RICH upgrade at CERN. Today, the choice of the MPGD technology fulfills the most stringent constraints imposed by future facilities: from the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) and the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC), to the electron-positron Linear Colliders (ILC/CLIC), and proton-proton Future Circular Collider (FCC). MPGDs have also found numerous applications in other fields of fundamental and applied research; they are being used or considered for X-ray imaging and neutron scattering science, neutrino-nucleus scattering experiments, dark matter and astrophysics experiments, including operation at cryogenic temperatures, plasma diagnostics at tokamaks, material sciences, radioactive-waste monitoring and security applications, medical physics, portal imaging and hadron therapy.
The interest in the novel MPGD concepts has led to the establishment of the RD51 collaboration at CERN in 2008. The aims are to facilitate technological development of advanced MPGDs, software, and associated electronic-readout systems, for applications in basic and applied research. Originally created for the five-year term, the RD51 was prolonged for another five years beyond 2013. Many of the MPGD technologies we know today were introduced before RD51 was founded. But with more techniques becoming available (or affordable), new detection concepts are still being introduced and existing ones are substantially improved. This talk will highlight recent MPGD technology advances, review RD51 collaboration activities, and address numerous MPGD applications at the Energy, Intensity and Cosmic Frontiers.