We present a careful study of the chiral symmetry breaking minima and other potential minima in supersymmetric symplectic QCD (Sp(N) with F flavors) perturbed by Anomaly Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking (AMSB). This is an application of "UV insensitive" AMSB as a tool for approximating non-SUSY gauge theories $-$ an idea initiated by Professor Hitoshi Murayama. Although the case of F = N+1 requires particular care due to the inherently strongly coupled nature of the quantum modified moduli space, we are able to show that all Sp(N) theories to which AMSB can be applied (F < 3(N+1)) possess stable chiral symmetry breaking minima, which are plausibly continuously connected to the vacua of QCD-like Sp(N) theories for large SUSY breaking, and are protected from runaways to incalculable minima. Unlike SU(N) theories, here the runaway induced by 2-loop AMSB in the dual squark direction is naturally lifted by the tree level SUSY potential at the upper end of the free magnetic phase [1.43(N+1) $\lesssim$ F $\leq$ 1.5(N+1)] and the lower edge of the conformal window.