We present a careful study of the chiral symmetry breaking minima and other potential minima in supersymmetric symplectic QCD (Sp(N) with F flavors) perturbed by Anomaly Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking (AMSB). This is an application of "UV insensitive" AMSB as a tool for approximating non-SUSY gauge theories $-$ an idea initiated by Professor Hitoshi Murayama. Although the case of F = N+1...
Ultra-light axions with weak couplings to photons are motivated extensions of the Standard Model. We perform one of the most sensitive searches to-date for the existence of these particles with the NuSTAR telescope by searching for axion production in stars in the M82 starburst galaxy and the M87 central galaxy of the Virgo cluster. This involves a sum over the full stellar populations in...
Proto-neutron stars, formed in the center of Type-II supernovae, represent promising science targets for probing axions. The hypothetical particles are emitted via e.g. the Primakoff process and can modify the cooling rate of the proto-neutron stars and also convert to observable gamma rays while propagating through astrophysical magnetic field. Observations of Supernova 1987 (SN 1987A) from...
We explain how to extend the Loop-String-Hadron formalism for hamiltonian lattice SU(2) gauge theory to general graphs. We apply this formalism to provide a loop interpretation to the maximal tree gauge-fixing procedure, providing a fully gauge fixed version of the theory. This has potential applications for quantum simulations of the theory.
Weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) produced through thermal freeze-out are a highly motivated dark matter (DM) candidate. Since WIMP DM acquired its relic abundance through self-annihilations, such particles must continue to annihilate to Standard Model final states and would produce observable signatures in astrophysical gamma-ray searches. In this work, we perform a search for WIMP...