Interdisciplinary Instrumentation Colloquium

Russell Wilcox (LBNL): Advanced controls for coherent addition of femtosecond laser pulses

Basic principles and techniques of coherent optical wave addition will be introduced. Then, a femtosecond laser beam combination scheme developed at LBNL will be described. This scheme provides data for automatic phase control and stabilization using machine learning. Novel algorithms which enable scaling to around 100 beams will be explained.

Russell Wilcox has been developing advanced laser technology since 1980. Original contributions include a nanosecond arbitrary waveform generator for laser fusion at LLNL; a digitally programmable, fiber-based front end for NIF; long-distance, femtosecond synchronization of lasers at LCLS; and high-power ultrafast fiber technology for laser-plasma accelerators in ATAP. He holds 12 patents on laser-related technology.