9:00 AM
Brief Introduction
Dave Casper
(UC Irvine)
9:10 AM
HEP Software Foundation
Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy
9:30 AM
HPC and small experiments
Deborah Bard
9:50 AM
Event processing frameworks
Alden Fan
10:10 AM
Reconstruction Frameworks (focusing on LArSoft)
Giuseppe Cerati
10:40 AM
Generators (focusing on GENIE)
Costas Andreopoulos
(University of Liverpool)
11:00 AM
A perspective on detector simulations as done by (smaller) HEP experiments (and related challenges)
Krzysztof Genser
11:20 AM
Machine Learning
Christopher Tunnell
11:40 AM
Wrap up
Dave Casper
(UC Irvine)
11:50 AM
Big picture summary
Benjamin Nachman