17–22 Feb 2020
US/Mountain timezone

Synthesis of Quantum-Noise-"Free" Systems

21 Feb 2020, 08:00
Flug Forum (Aspen Center for Physics)

Flug Forum

Aspen Center for Physics


Rana Adhikari


The sensitivity of quantum-noise limited systems can be greatly increased by engineering the quantum correlations of the probing field either externally (e.g. squeezed light) or internally (e.g. strong nonlinearities and/or coherent quantum control). Techniques used in the optimization of classical electrical circuits can be applied to the maximization of SNR in the context of the quantum Rao-Cramer bound, including losses, and thereby minimize the impact of decoherence on the reconstruction of the desired signal (e.g. LIGO, ADMX, etc). Not only can this approach be used for linear measurements of classical fields, but also for hypothesis testing of deviations from QM and GR.

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