The tracking detectors at the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider will require a dielectric capable of withstanding the high voltage that will be applied across their silicon sensors to maintain efficiency. Dielectrics are currently being studied using experimental device configurations which are electrostatically analogous to the LHC trackers to determine the most effective material to...
Much work has already been done developing a compact fast neutron camera for field deployment. However, mobility of the current designs are limited in part by the inclusion of large photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). Replacement of PMTs with silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) coupled to a crystal scintillator promises a reduction in size and power, and thus an increase in mobility of current systems....
Recent LHC searches have probed decays of the H(125) involving new light pseudoscalar bosons (a). For example, a current CMS search probes H->aa->mu mu tau tau for m(a) < 21 GeV. Because of the large mass difference between the H and the light pseudoscalar, the two taus are boosted and collimated. To improve signal acceptance for future studies, we explore the use of machine learning...