Low noise and low drift ASICs design for astronomical telescopes QUBIC, ATHENA, CMB-S4
Damien Prêle(APC Univ Paris Cité)
Auditorium (B50)
Recording: available after event
Astronomical telescopes developed for observation of the CMB and for X-ray astronomy are based on large arrays of superconducting detectors. The ultimate sensitivity of these instruments push the readout electronics at the edge of the achievable requirements: low noise (down to low frequency, common mode noise rejection), low drift (gain and bias), wide band (over the full amplitude scale range, impedance matching, low output capacitance bias source).
This talk will focus on the developments for the QUBIC, ATHENA, and CMB-S4 instruments, which use transition-edge sensors (TES) followed by time-domain SQUID multiplexers. We will describe the design and characteristics of the SQmux and AwaXe families of ASICs. The presentation will also cover the design and testing of low-noise ASICs based on SiGe BiCMOS technology.
Speaker bio:
Damien Prêle received his Ph.D. from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris in 2007. He joined the Astroparticle and Cosmology Laboratory (APC) immediately thereafter, continuing his work in the field of cryogenic low noise instrumentation. In his roles as co-Investigator for X-IFU ATHENA and Project Manager for the X-IFU Warm Front End Electronics (WFEE) over the past 10 years, Damien develops Low noise and low gain drift ASICs for front-end electronics. He is the lead for the CMB-S4 readout contribution for IN2P3.