Interdisciplinary Instrumentation Colloquium

Hansell Gonzalez-Raymat, "ALTEMIS: An Improved Strategy for Monitoring Residual Contamination at Complex Groundwater Sites"

Auditorium (50)




NB: No recording available, material not approved for release at this time. 


The goal of the ALTEMIS project is to establish the overarching framework of long-term monitoring at DOE’s legacy sites by systematically combining state-of-the-art hardware and software technologies. As part of this project, we have completed the deployment of a sensor network at a contaminated site. The sensor system includes devices for soil, groundwater, and wetland monitoring. Now the focus is on evaluating sensor performance and actively tracking the controlling variables that can indicate contaminant remobilization to provide us with early warnings.

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Hansell Gonzalez-Raymat is a Senior Scientist at the Savannah River National Laboratory. He received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from FIU in 2018 and began his career at SRNL in the same year. His research has focused on metal-contaminated groundwater/soil and developing strategies for long-term monitoring of complex sites. He collaborates in a multi-laboratory research program (ALTEMIS) to improve long-term monitoring strategies to expedite closure of complex sites and potentially reduce costs for groundwater monitoring.