Laser plasma accelerators generate GeV electrons with acceleration distances of a few centimeters. This technology enables compact Thomson scattering photon sources at energies of 1-10 MeV, which have applications in radiography, photo-fission and nuclear resonance fluorescence for nuclear nonproliferation and homeland security. Knowledge of the energy-angle distribution of the photon bunch is crucial to source development as well as to enabling new applications. However, diagnosing Thomson sources is challenging due to the high intensity, ~108 photons per shot, and milli-radian angular divergence. We develop a simulation framework in Geant4 for a diagnostic system composed of a thin scatterer and a scientific CCD electron tracker. The uncertainties introduced by the scatter and the tracker in reconstructing a 1.73 MeV mono-energetic photon sources are evaluated, which determine the intrinsic limit of the current design on measuring the energy-angle distribution. With the flexibility the framework provides, an optimal diagnostic system will be designed.
Primary author
Yigong Zhang
(Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Brian Quiter
(Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Cameron Geddes
(Accelerator Technology & Applied Physics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Kai Vetter
(Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Paul Barton
(Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)