Radiation Detection Developments in the Berkeley Applied Nuclear Physics Program
Kai Vetter(UCB/LBNL)
253 (Bulding15)
Since the discovery of x-rays in 1895 by Wilhelm Röntgen, advances in technologies, scientific discoveries, and applications have driven each other. This relationship remains today and our work in the Berkeley Applied Nuclear Physics Program is an example of it. We develop radiation detection system relevant for applications ranging from fundamental physics to medicine and nuclear security. Specifically with the events of 9/11/2001 and more recently with Fukushima after 3/11/2011, aspects of nuclear security and safety as well as emergency response and recovery have gained importance globally and in our efforts.
I will discuss and motivate some of our recent developments in detection concepts and detector technologies ranging from μm-resolution to square-meter-scale systems, including electron-track based Compton imaging, hand-portable and unmanned aerial system based gamma-ray imagers, or the Nuclear Street View concept.