Introduction to the event. Key organizational aspects of Snowmass 2021.
Questions to the panel:
How can Berkeley Lab ensure AI/ML has a transformative impact on particle physics?
- In what areas will methodological improvements in AI/ML techniques be needed (that LBL should focus in)
- Will there be computing capabilities that LBL can develop?
- What other capabilities will need to be built up at LBL or in the community? E.g. training and...
Questions to the panel:
What are the key differences in the physics reach of very high-energy e+e-, gamma-gamma and muon colliders at the TeV to 14-TeV energy? Is the ability to produce polarized initial states (available for e+e- and gamma-gamma) a significant advantage in key physics observables?
These options might pose different challenges in technological R&D to build a detector...
Small LBNL-led experiments questions to panel:
Is it better to carry out a small experiment completely in-house if possible, or do multi-institute collaborations have an advantage no matter how small the experiment?
How much should the Snowmass process be used to develop new small experiments? What is the balance between making intentions public early on vs. keeping things confidential...