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Deep Underground Laboratories (DULs) are multidisciplinary research infrastructures. At present, thirteen of these laboratories are in operation and three underway. They are built under more than 1000 meters water equivalent rock overburden and their main feature is a highly reduced muon flux from primary cosmic rays. A number of crucial new technologies have been developed in these laboratories to support basic research mostly for rare events, such as proton decay, neutrino and dark matter interactions, neutrinoless double beta decay. In addition, biology in extreme environments and geophysics are also studied in these infrastructures. A number of facilities are in operation in DULs to facilitate and support experimental research. Some of these are unique and developed in the framework of large projects. In this review I shall principally focus on the Gran Sasso Laboratory in Italy to underline the most important characteristics of DULs, common facilities and some particular ones. A brief review of general features of DULs around the world is also reported.
Short bio:
PhD in Physics in 1999 from University of L’Aquila on the use of artificial neutrino sources in Borexino for sterile neutrino and neutrino magnetic moment search
1999-2001 Research associate at Princeton University
2001-2007 Staff researcher at Gran Sasso Laboratory
2007-2008 Lecturer at Princeton University
2008-2015 Senior research at Gran Sasso Laboratory
2015-2018 Director of Canfranc Underground Laboratory in Spain
2018-present Head of NOA facility at Gran Sasso Laboratory
Research activity:
Solar and supernova neutrinos in Borexino
Dark Matter in WArP and DarkSide-50
Dark Matter search in SABRE
R&D for neutrinoless double beta decay with 150Nd